
Real people,

real videos.

We know that sometimes seeing is believing. Below, you’ll find samples from some of the pastors we've partnered with recently. These videos showcase the type of content and scripts we can help you create, as well as the high-quality video production you can expect when you collaborate with our skilled producers.


"I want to thank ReelFaith for this product and training that EVERY pastor should have if they are serious about their social media presence. In 6 short weeks, with guidance and feedback from the video producer, I was transformed from a bashful content creator to a confident and competent presenter. This training is a must for us to reach people where they are... on social media. Thank you ReelFaith!"


Pastor Jonathan Smith

Tucson Sharon Adventist Church

"In a few short weeks of ReelFaith Bootcamp, visits and interactions with our church website and social media platforms has grown significantly."


Pastor Vincent Woolsey

Mesa Palms Adventist Church

"By the end of my 6-week ReelFaith Boot Camp, church attendance increased by 30%, with most of the new people saying they saw us online."


Pastor Ed Anderson

Chandler  Adventist Church

    Are you ready to join the movement?


    In a world where social anxiety, loneliness, and depression are escalating, especially among younger generations, digital spaces have become a refuge. More people are choosing the safety of online interactions over the vulnerability of face-to-face engagements, tuning into their favorite digital personalities for comfort and community.

    When we understand and adapt to modern cultural shifts, we have a unique opportunity to bring Jesus to all the world—including the digital world, too.

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    The Stuff

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    Quickly Moving on the Target Market

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    Empower Those Who Feel Powerless


    Why Being Authentic Will Never Fail

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