
Stop playing games. It's time to

Beat the Algorithm


Instead of putting massive effort into creating content for the algorithm to pick up, with ReelFaith, we buy a local audience for you using paid advertising. We’ve seen tremendous success using YouTube to do this. Each week, you’ll create a short video about 60 seconds long and we'll put it on YouTube as an ad, restricted to the geographic area around your church. For just a few hundred dollars a month, you can get thousands of local views. If you are trying to go global, that may not seem like much, but on a local level, that’s huge!

Why not go for global?

Our goal with this type of digital evangelism is to draw people into in-person experiences where they can build more authentic face-to-face relationships. That’s wonderful that you have a follower in Zimbabwe, Singapore, or Sydney. But how are they going to connect with you in person? (They can’t!) God has placed you in this church, in this community so for this use case, put your digital effort and budget there.

Plus, a targeted approach means there's a higher likelihood of people seeing more than one of your videos, which is the goal. Repeated exposure will help you create more trust and credibility with your viewers, which is crucial as you encourage them to take the next step in their faith.


By paying for geo-targeted advertising instead of putting your hope in the algorithm, your videos will be able to reach those in your area who your church can actually build connections with. Parasocial relationships allow us to get out of the church building and begin developing relationships with people in the community. When the time is right, we can then invite these people to an in-person experience where that relationship can be deepened.

So what do you say—ready to try it out?

The Stuff

Web Design

Quickly Moving on the Target Market

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View Campaign


Empower Those Who Feel Powerless


Why Being Authentic Will Never Fail

The Brands

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Big City, CA 98765
+1 123-456-7890

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Little City, CA 56789
+1 321-654-0987