
Video Academy

Learn at your pace.

Below you'll find courses teaching you how to create compelling video content, record your own high-quality videos, and tips to take your digital evangelism to the next level.


Recording Fundamentals

"Class Title: 1"

Welcome! This is where a short description can go so the course title can be short and simple.

Estimated Time: 15:00
  • Course Details:

      • Bullet Point 1
      • Bullet Point 2
      • Bullet Point 3


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Recording Fundamentals

"Class Title: 2"

Welcome! This is where a short description can go so the course title can be short and simple.

Estimated Time: 15:00
  • Course Details:

      • Bullet Point 1
      • Bullet Point 2
      • Bullet Point 3


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Recording Fundamentals

"Class Title: 3"

Welcome! This is where a short description can go so the course title can be short and simple.

Estimated Time: 25:00
  • Course Details:

      • Bullet Point 1
      • Bullet Point 2
      • Bullet Point 3


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Video Basics

Elevate Your Videos

Welcome to Video Basics! Whether you have never recorded anything for social media, you aren't happy with what you've created in the past, or you're just looking to give your videos the extra polish that they need, this course has something for you.

We've taken the basics and created this step-by-step guide and by the end, you'll clearly see your own progress.

Estimated Completion Time:
1 hour 33 minutes

Course Details

  • Phone camera settings
  • Creating your lighting environment
  • Audio equipment and settings
  • Preparation and delivery tips
  • Video editing techniques
  • Posting your videos the right way
  • Creating an efficient workflow

As we launch this brand new Reel Faith Academy course, we're offering special introductory pricing. Hurry, this offer ends Jan. 10!




Creating Strong Content

"Class Title: 1"

Welcome! This is where a short description can go so the course title can be short and simple.

Estimated Time: 15:00
  • Course Details:

      • Bullet Point 1
      • Bullet Point 2
      • Bullet Point 3


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Creating Strong Content

"Class Title: 2"

Welcome! This is where a short description can go so the course title can be short and simple.

Estimated Time: 25:00
  • Course Details:

      • Bullet Point 1
      • Bullet Point 2
      • Bullet Point 3


Take This Class


Creating Strong Content

"Class Title: 3"

Welcome! This is where a short description can go so the course title can be short and simple.

Estimated Time: 25:00
  • Course Details:

      • Bullet Point 1
      • Bullet Point 2
      • Bullet Point 3


Take This Class

Creating connections,
one video at a time.

Creating connections,
one video at a time.

Social anxiety, loneliness, and depression are particularly prevalent among Gen Z, and it's our job as the church to meet people where they are and introduce them to the hope they may not realize they are searching for.

By creating a library of encouraging, hope-filled videos, you are laying the foundation for your ministry to serve the needs of the next generations. No matter your age or technical abilities, you can be an online influencer for Christ. We can't wait to help you get started!


By creating a library of encouraging, hope-filled videos, you are laying the foundation for your ministry to serve the needs of the next generations. No matter your age or technical abilities, you can be an online influencer for Christ. We can't wait to help you get started!

So what do you say?

I'm Ready, Let's Get Started

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